What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a technique used in Chinese medicine and is part of a 2,000-year-old medical system that works by using delicate, thin needles on specific points of the body to create conductivity and activate the body’s meridians.
The human body is comprised of thousands of intricate networks and passages (called Meridians) that connect the body’s network of systems to each other and the brain. A complicated system such as this requires maintenance to keep the flow of communication running smoothly. Since the body is comprised mostly of water, acupuncture uses the metal of the needles to create conductivity in the body to clear out and reconnect these passageways.
![What is Acupuncture Treatment 15 Acupuncture-in-Oakville](https://www.oakvilleacupunctureclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Acupuncture-in-Oakville.webp)